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African-American middle class is disappearing.

Believe it or not, African-American middle class is slowly disappearing, at least that’s what numbers are saying according to what Nathan A. Jones, a teacher from Skyline College, says in his essay:

By 2009, the median net worth for white households had fallen 24 percent to $97,860; and the median net worth for African-American households had fallen 83 percent to $2,170, according to an analysis of Federal Reserve data by the Economic Policy.

Nathan A. Jones’ “What Happened to the African American Middle Class”

If the trend described in the essay persists, what will happen if the African American middle class disappears? Sadly, the answer is not a happy one. Millions of people will become poor and once again this ethnic group will be considered as inferior, no matter the advancements, discoveries or social achievements they have made. This will raise unemployment rates once more for not only blacks but other minorities that are considered non-whites/ blacks (Hispanic/Latinos, Arabic/Indian, etc…).

See the source image

How would this change the African-American community? One of the problems that the comes with the crisis of masses of larger communities as the African-Americans is gentrification. The wealthiest will take the approach and reach sites that once belonged to the black, taking dominance of places that African-Americans can’t afford. Would you imagine Harlem without its beautiful black community, forced to move to other places because they cant afford a normal living style? That gives goosebumps.

See the source image

What would be the larger ramifications for our society as a whole? This may not have a sad ending after all. Perhaps, this crisis could wake up some consciousness over the white population and try helping out with programs, aids and grants. Also the government would help with the same benefits for the blacks by using some of the taxes collected from higher income families and sing them for aid.

At the end of the day, it’s still a shame that African-American community is losing economical approach, something that shouldn’t be happening, but something that we’ll have to live with we don’t change our ways and encourage our people to educate, work, and help instead of the contrary.

-Ray Sanchez.